Minowa’s Direction for this Fiscal Year
Every time I summarize something and head for a new start, I write my strategy on paper
and this is what I wrote when entering Gentosha:
① Make my own brand and make earnings (through Salon, note or lectures)
② Make a hit of 200,000 copies
③ Build a new business model using Internet media
All this came true, so it is important to make a word about your goals.
So in April I decided to write a new one.
Those last goals was a hurdle to raise my name as an editor, and it seems that I have exceeded most decent editors, where I had them as a role model, but from now on I am walking down a trackless path, so my goals are somewhat vague.
My strategy from April 2018 has three points:
① Establishment of Minowa editorial office, Inc.
② Draw and execute the next vision of Gentosha
③ Update the Minowa editorial office salon
I will try explain as much as I can.
① Establishment of Minowa editorial office, Inc.
Right now, it is a joint company, so it is only like a wallet role for earnings such as salons. I want it to change it to a stock company, and become the president to take of the company. ※ During April, as an idea, It will be somewhat of an office for Yasushi Akimoto and Kundo Koyama, where we produce contents and services, and make original products.
My company’s strength is that there are 600 active people in the Minowa editorial office, so we can produce everything from marketing to producing, production, and SNS linked promotions.
These days, many PR companies make promotions which makes no sense, but we will be involved as an overwhelming and strong user.
Our goal is "to increase interesting moments" and to do that we will “bring out the best of anything as it is, then connect context and the world".
I will find and produce appealing things which are still not shown to the world.
During this year, I’d like to do big projects that will be talked about in Japan.
Also, I will make an original product other than the producing project.
It could be a movie, a book, an amulet, anything. This will be a place where I do what I want to do.
I also want to make something that will be talked about in both Japan and the world.
② Draw and execute the next vision of Gentosha
I thought I was an only an employee, and I had a drawn back attitude, but from now on, I choose to commit to the company and execute it’s vision.
There are two large factors:
① Become a publisher of the editor 2.0 era
② World and diversified business development with non-language content
① Become a publisher of the editor 2.0 era
Most contents will become free. Certain generations will stop spending money on static contents. In that case, content becomes a tool to form communities, and editors will become a community producer.
It is said many times, but I will adapt to this flow and develop a new business.
NP Academia and Exodus are an example, but we will continue to explore new positions while accumulating knowledge in the Minowa editorial office.
② World and diversified business development with non-language content
Gentosha is a company that has raised its name in literature, but from now on I believe that the profit model will change between publishers with and without comics, and will become like a completely different industry.
Only the people in Japan will buy written content, but many people from overseas will buy cartoons.
Written content can be visualized, but when you compare it with cartoons, cartoons can be developed in all aspects, including character business, goods and so on.
It seems a bit late, but I want to bet on this possibility, and I will step into the cartoon world, starting from NP comics.
First of all, I will break through in the field of business. While making NP comics in to a strong label, I want to make a revolutionary hit that many business people will read.
I have not been interested in being promoted, but since I noticed the fact that I was still "chief" (They promoted me at an unusual speed), from now on, I will talk about our vision both inside and outside of the company, be cherished by people in the company, and be in a position to have responsibility and authority as an employee.
Updating a publishing company is a big hurdle, but I think I am one of the people that should do it.
③ Update the Minowa editorial office salon
I will also continue to power this up. First of all, I will make this a group of 1000 people where every person is ready.
However, we do not intentionally create a purpose, but we will make a place to shape the sudden ideas as fast as we could.
Business always has a purpose as we have to think about profit. However, if there is a purpose, innovation born from frontiers are less likely to occur.
True innovation is often born from pure desire and unbelievability, so this will be just a place with diversity, making it a gathering place for vigorous people and making it like a laboratory where you do not know will be made.
I recently said that I would like to increase the number of people from rural areas, students, and women because of the combination of diversity will like to make surprising chemical reactions.
The reason for wanting to increase the number of people is that I think number has power. The more people there is, more influence will be made, and there is a higher chance to encounter unexpected luck.
Minowa editorial office will continue to be a “constantly moving chaos”. A place where you can smell the streets and the scene of the crime.
I also want to create offices in each regions. I hope it becomes like a chaotic hangout place all around the country. That's why I go to rural regions every week.
These three points are the direction of this fiscal year.
I wrote a finer version of this strategy on paper but it is a secret because it is too detailed.
If you can run with us, please come along.
Translation : Akito Yamada